Gör: Fotograf, Stylist och grundare av melimelihome.se
Bloggar om: Här samlar jag det som inspirerar mig blandat med bilder från min vardag, mitt arbetsliv och min dotter Luca. Hoppas att det kan inspirera er också!
I`ve been looking for the perfect fur for a while and recently discoverd the brand Saks Potts.
INFO!! DON’T buy these jackets from Saks potts. They are made from raccoons fur from China.. They are get ripped of their fur alive, its horrible.. Don’t support this .. Don’t buy these fur jackets please
INFO!! DON’T buy these jackets from Saks potts. They are made from raccoons fur from China.. They are get ripped of their fur alive, its horrible.. Don’t support this .. Don’t buy these fur jackets please
INFO!! DON’T buy these jackets from Saks potts. They are made from raccoons fur from China.. They are get ripped of their fur alive, its horrible.. Don’t support this .. Don’t buy these fur jackets please
INFO!! DON’T buy these jackets from Saks potts. They are made from raccoons fur from China.. They are get ripped of their fur alive, its horrible.. Don’t support this .. Don’t buy these fur jackets please
Neej inte päls :'( Googla The fur industry så ser du varför. Finns ju så många fina saker i fuskpäls nuförtiden 🙂
Neej inte päls :'( Googla The fur industry så ser du varför. Finns ju så många fina saker i fuskpäls nuförtiden 🙂
Nääää snälla säg inte att du tänker köpa äkta päls?
Nääää snälla säg inte att du tänker köpa äkta päls?